Topic Modeling

import pandas as pd
from data_describe.text.topic_modeling import topic_model
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
categories = ['alt.atheism']
newsgroups_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', categories=categories)
df = pd.DataFrame({"text": newsgroups_train['data']})
0 From: (Fred Rice)...
1 From: (Chris BELL)\nSubj...
2 Subject: Re: The Inimitable Rushdie\nFrom: kma...
3 From: (Bake Timmons)\nSu...
4 From: (Benedikt Ro...

Explicitly providing number of topics

lda_model = topic_model(df.text, num_topics=2)
Topic 1 Topic 1 Coefficient Value Topic 2 Topic 2 Coefficient Value
Term 1 |> 0.017 |> 0.010
Term 2 >> 0.013 God 0.007
Term 3 : 0.013 - 0.005
Term 4 God 0.005 evidence 0.004
Term 5 - 0.004 : 0.004
Term 6 atheists 0.004 moral 0.004
Term 7 those 0.004 our 0.004
Term 8 | 0.004 these 0.004
Term 9 A 0.003 Jesus 0.003
Term 10 had 0.003 them 0.003
<data_describe.text.topic_modeling.TopicModelWidget at 0x7fb8e075ed90>

Guess optimal number of topics and show elbow plot

lda_model = topic_model(df.text, num_topics=None, min_topics=2, max_topics=4)
Fitting topic model: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:04<00:00,  1.48s/it]
CPU times: user 9.64 s, sys: 260 ms, total: 9.9 s
Wall time: 4.73 s

Topic 1 Topic 1 Coefficient Value Topic 2 Topic 2 Coefficient Value Topic 3 Topic 3 Coefficient Value Topic 4 Topic 4 Coefficient Value
Term 1 >> 0.019 God 0.009 |> 0.042 : 0.014
Term 2 : 0.009 - 0.006 : 0.010 >> 0.008
Term 3 |> 0.006 argument 0.005 - 0.005 God 0.006
Term 4 - 0.005 evidence 0.004 God 0.005 them 0.005
Term 5 atheists 0.005 our 0.004 | 0.005 evidence 0.004
Term 6 God 0.004 moral 0.004 (Jon 0.005 Jesus 0.004
Term 7 had 0.004 these 0.004 Livesey) 0.004 our 0.004
Term 8 those 0.004 Islamic 0.004 moral 0.004 those 0.004
Term 9 its 0.004 had 0.004 0.004 these 0.003
Term 10 A 0.004 For 0.004 it. 0.004 read 0.003
<data_describe.text.topic_modeling.TopicModelWidget at 0x7fb8e3b43950>
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fb8e3680ed0>
<Figure size 720x720 with 0 Axes>