
Text preprocessing module.

This module contains a number of methods by which text documents can be preprocessed. The individual preprocessing functions can be classified as “Bag of Words Functions” (to_lower, remove_punct, remove_digits, remove_single_char_and_spaces, remove_stopwords, lemmatize, stem) or “Document Functions” (tokenize, bag_of_words_to_docs). Each of the functions in these groups return generator objects, and when using them on their own, the internal function to_list can be utilized as depicted below.


Individual Document Functions should be processed as such:

tokenized_docs = to_list(tokenize(original_docs), bow=False)

Individual Bag of Words Functions should be processed as such:

lower_case_docs_bow = to_list(to_lower(original_docs_bow))

tokenize(text_docs: Iterable[str])

Turns list of documents into “bag of words” format.

to_lower(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]])

Converts all letters in documents (“bag of words” format) to lowercase.

remove_punct(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]], replace_char: str = ‘’, remove_all: bool = False)

Removes all punctuation from documents (e.g. periods, question marks, etc.).

remove_digits(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]])

Removes all numbers and words containing numerical digits from documents.

remove_single_char_and_spaces(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]])

Removes all words that contain only one character and blank spaces from documents.

remove_stopwords(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]], custom_stopwords: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Removes all “stop words” from documents.

lemmatize(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]])

Lemmatizes all words in documents.

stem(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]])

Stems all words in documents.

bag_of_words_to_docs(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]])

Converts list of documents in “bag of words” format.

create_tfidf_matrix(text_docs: Iterable[str], **kwargs)

Creates a Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency matrix.

create_doc_term_matrix(text_docs: Iterable[str], **kwargs)

Creates a document-term matrix which gives wordcount per document.

preprocess_texts(text_docs: Iterable[str], lem: bool = False, stem: bool = False, custom_pipeline: List = None)

Pre-process a text corpus.


Converts a generator expression from an individual preprocessing function into a list.

ngram_freq(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]], n: int = 3, only_n: bool = False)

Generates frequency distribution of “n-grams” from all of the text documents.

filter_dictionary(text_docs: List[str], no_below: int = 10, no_above: float = 0.2, **kwargs)

Filters words outside specified frequency thresholds.

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.tokenize(text_docs: Iterable[str]) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Turns list of documents into “bag of words” format.


text_docs – A list of text documents in string format


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.to_lower(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Converts all letters in documents (“bag of words” format) to lowercase.


text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.remove_punct(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]], replace_char: str = '', remove_all: bool = False) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Removes all punctuation from documents (e.g. periods, question marks, etc.).

  • text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document

  • replace_char – Character to replace punctuation instances with. Default is space

  • remove_all – If True, removes all instances of punctuation from document. Default is False, which only removes leading and/or trailing instances.


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.remove_digits(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Removes all numbers and words containing numerical digits from documents.


text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.remove_single_char_and_spaces(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Removes all words that contain only one character and blank spaces from documents.


text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.remove_stopwords(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]], custom_stopwords: Optional[List[str]] = None) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Removes all “stop words” from documents.

“Stop words” can be defined as commonly used words which are typically useless for NLP.

  • text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document

  • custom_stopwords – An optional list of words to remove along with the stop words. Defaults to nltk english stopwords.


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.lemmatize(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Lemmatizes all words in documents.

Lemmatization is grouping words together by their reducing them to their inflected forms so they can be analyzed as a single item.


text_docs_bow – A lists of list of words from a document


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.stem(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[Iterable[str]]

Stems all words in documents.

Stemming is grouping words together by taking the stems of their inflected forms so they can be analyzed as a single item.


text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.bag_of_words_to_docs(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]]) → Iterable[str]

Converts list of documents in “bag of words” format.

This converts back into form of document being stored in one string.


text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document


A generator expression for all of the processed documents

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.create_tfidf_matrix(text_docs: Iterable[str], **kwargs) → pd.DataFrame

Creates a Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency matrix.

  • text_docs – A list of strings of text documents

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer


Pandas DataFrame of TF-IDF matrix with documents as rows and words

as columns

Return type


data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.create_doc_term_matrix(text_docs: Iterable[str], **kwargs) → pd.DataFrame

Creates a document-term matrix which gives wordcount per document.

  • text_docs – A list of strings of text documents

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer


Pandas DataFrame of document-term matrix with documents as rows

and words as columns

Return type


data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.preprocess_texts(text_docs: Iterable[str], lem: bool = False, stem: bool = False, custom_pipeline: List = None) → Iterable[Any]

Pre-process a text corpus.

Cleans list of documents by running through a customizable text-preprocessing pipeline.

  • text_docs – A list of strings of text documents (also accepts arrays and Pandas series)

  • lem – If True, lemmatization becomes part of the pre-processing. Recommended to set as False and run user-created lemmatization function if pipeline is customized. Default is False.

  • stem – If True, stemming becomes part of the pre-processing. Recommended to set as False and run user-created stemming function if pipeline is customized. Default is False.

  • custom_pipeline – A custom list of strings and/or function objects which are the function names that text_docs_bow will run through. Default is None, which uses the pipeline: [‘tokenize’, ‘to_lower’, ‘remove_punct’, ‘remove_digits’, ‘remove_single_char_and_spaces’, ‘remove_stopwords’]


List of lists of words for each document which have undergone a

pre-processing pipeline

Return type


data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.to_list(text_docs_gen) → List[Any]

Converts a generator expression from an individual preprocessing function into a list.


text_docs_gen – A generator expression for the processed text documents


A list of processed text documents or a list of tokens (list of strings)

for each document

data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.ngram_freq(text_docs_bow: Iterable[Iterable[str]], n: int = 3, only_n: bool = False) → ’nltk.FreqDist’

Generates frequency distribution of “n-grams” from all of the text documents.

  • text_docs_bow – A list of lists of words from a document

  • n – Highest n for n-gram sequence to include. Default is 3

  • only_n – If True, will only include n-grams for specified value of n. Default is False, which also includes n-grams for all numbers leading up to n


ValueErrorn must be >= 2.


Dictionary which contains all identified n-grams as keys and their

respective counts as their values

Return type


data_describe.text.text_preprocessing.filter_dictionary(text_docs: List[str], no_below: int = 10, no_above: float = 0.2, **kwargs)

Filters words outside specified frequency thresholds.

  • text_docs – A list of list of words from a document, can include n-grams up to 3.

  • no_below – Keep tokens which are contained in at least no_below documents. Default is 10.

  • no_above – Keep tokens which are contained in no more than no_above portion of documents (fraction of total corpus size). Default is 0.2.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments to be passed to gensim.corpora.Dictionary.filter_extremes


Gensim Dictionary encapsulates the mapping between normalized words

and their integer ids.

corpus: Bag of Words (BoW) representation of documents (token_id, token_count).

Return type
