:orphan: data_describe.config._config =================================== .. py:module:: data_describe.config._config .. autoapisummary:: data_describe.config._config.get_option data_describe.config._config.set_option data_describe.config._config.update_context .. function:: get_option(path: str) -> Any Get the current value of the option. :param path: The "dot-style" path to the configuration item, e.g. 'backends.viz' :returns: The current value of the option .. function:: set_option(path: str, value: Any) -> None Set the current value of the option. :param path: The "dot-style" path to the configuration item, e.g. 'backends.viz' :param value: The value to update .. py:class:: Options(config: dict, path: str = '') Provides module-style access to configuration items. .. data:: options .. function:: update_context(*args) data-describe configuration context. This can be used to use certain configuration values for a limited block of code, without needing to explicitly change these values to what they were previously. For example, if the current figure size is (10, 10), the following can be used to make one plot with a different figure size: ``` with dd.config.update_context("display.fig_height", 20): dd.plot(df) # fig_height = 20 # noqa:RST301 ``` :param \*args: May be one of two formats: 1. A single dictionary, either nested or using the configuration "path"s for keys 2. Pairs of arguments, where the first argument is the configuration "path" and the second is the value :raises ValueError: Unsupported input format for assigning configuration values. :Yields: Configuration context.