data_describe.core.distributions ======================================= .. py:module:: data_describe.core.distributions .. autoapisummary:: data_describe.core.distributions.distribution .. py:class:: DistributionWidget(input_data=None, spike_value=None, skew_value=None, spike_factor=None, skew_factor=None, viz_backend=None) Bases: :class:`data_describe._widget.BaseWidget` Container for distributions. This class (object) is returned from the ``distribution`` function. The attributes documented below can be accessed or extracted. .. attribute:: input_data The input data .. attribute:: spike_value Measure of the "spikey"ness metric, which diagnoses spikey histograms where the tallest bin is ``n`` times taller than the average bin. .. attribute:: skew_value Measure of the skewness metric. .. attribute:: spike_factor The threshold factor used to diagnose "spikey"ness. .. attribute:: skew_factor The threshold factor used to diagnose skew. .. method:: show(self, viz_backend=None, **kwargs) The default display for this output. Displays a summary of diagnostics. :param viz_backend: The visualization backend. :type viz_backend: str, optional :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments. .. method:: plot_distribution(self, x: Optional[str] = None, contrast: Optional[str] = None, viz_backend: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) Generate distribution plot(s). Numeric features will be visualized using a histogram/violin plot, and any other types will be visualized using a categorical bar plot. :param x: The feature name to plot. If None, will plot all features. :type x: str, optional :param contrast: The feature name to compare histograms by contrast. :type contrast: str, optional :param mode: {'combo', 'violin', 'hist'} The type of plot to display. Defaults to a combined histogram/violin plot. :type mode: str :param hist_kwargs: Keyword args for seaborn.histplot. :type hist_kwargs: dict, optional :param violin_kwargs: Keyword args for seaborn.violinplot. :type violin_kwargs: dict, optional :param viz_backend: The visualization backend. :type viz_backend: optional :param \*\*kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the visualization backend. :returns: Histogram plot(s). .. function:: distribution(data, diagnostic=True, compute_backend=None, viz_backend=None, **kwargs) -> DistributionWidget Distribution Plots. Visualizes univariate distributions. This feature can be used for generating various types of plots for univariate distributions, including: histograms, violin plots, bar (count) plots. :param data: Data Frame :param diagnostic: If True, will run diagnostics to select "interesting" plots. :param compute_backend: The compute backend. :param viz_backend: The visualization backend. :param \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments. :raises ValueError: Invalid input data type. :returns: DistributionWidget